I finally got two pictures posted. I stole them from my friend Shanthi's camera, so I'll get some of my own up next time. I came to Shanthi's this weekend and was blessed with running water, electricity, booze, and the internet. I feel like I'm at a Bed and Breakfast compared to what I have to work with on the average day.
We were sworn in as volunteers on January 7th. The whole thing was broadcasted on Lesotho television, and when I got to my site my host mom came running into my rondoval telling me to come quick. When I got into her familie's house she pointed at the t.v. and said, "I SEE YOU!" She was pretty excited, and I enjoyed watching it as well. (Yes, my host family has t.v.) I got to watch Inspector Gadget with the kids the other day, talk about a blast from the past.
I'm at my permanent site now in Matukeng. We are on "lockdown" until March 21 which means that we are not supposed to leave our districts. Peace Corps does this in order to encourage us to integrate into our communities. I'm finding it difficult because I really miss being around the other volunteers. I've been visiting those that are in my district on the weekends, and plan to keep that up :) I've got electricity, and my host family is great. I'm living in a rondoval and I have a puppy named Fetus. Yeah, strange name I know....he's named after some sort of past loan company in Lesotho. I explained what a fetus is in English and they kind of liked it. I love the dog, but he bites A LOT, and my family thinks I'm crazy for wanting to play with him. Dogs are not pets to them, they are used to gaurd their property so my family treats the dog much differently than I do.
My job is still pretty vague. I should be traveling around to all the different ECCD schools in my area, but no one wants to be my tour guide, so I've been helping my host mom teach her likonyana (preschool) class instead. The volunteer that was at my site before me experienced the same type of thing her first few months. I'm sure I'll get into the groove of things eventually, it's just going to take much longer than I expected.
I have a new address that is more direct, its a personal p.o. box, and the mail doesn't get stopped up in the capital city, so hopefully it'll be even faster. Right now letters and packages have been taking about a month to get to me. I appreciate all the comments, letters, and care packages from everyone. I hope things are going well in the states. I miss everyone, but have deffinately made some great friends here.
Until next time.....