Saturday, May 1, 2010

World Wise Schools

This one is for you Jen. Since being in Lesotho I've been part of a program called World Wise Schools, which links classes here in Lesotho with classes in America. I'm sending our my first batch of pen-pal letters to Ms. Jennifer Steven's 3rd grade class on Monday. However, since she was efficient enough to send me photos of all of her students I decided I needed to do the same. Class 6 at Hlotsenyane Primary School in Leribe worked for WEEKS on their letters, and they were super thrilled to take a class teacher. I've worked hard to get to an internet source that would allow me to post some pics, as that's nearly impossible, unless you want to spend a lot of money, are the students!!!


  1. They look so happy! How exciting to see them accomplish writing letters (although sounds like a long process)! I bet you are making a wonderful impression on them! :-)

  2. Enter your comment...This is pretty awesome. I love your blog.
